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Certified Lean Yellow Belt Examination | ලීන් කහ පටි සහතික පත්‍ර විභාගය

LKR 35,000.00

Certified Lean Yellow Belt (CLYB) Study Pack, Examination & Digital Certificate

ලීන් කහපටි විෂය මාලා අධ්‍යයනය, විභාගය සහ ඩිජිටල් සහතිකය

LKR 1,900.00

Lean Practitioner Green Belt Brochure

Certified Lean Practitioner Green Belts actively lead operational lean improvement projects in the organization, assisted by Lean Leader Black Belts. The Lean Practitioner acts as a catalyst of change to achieve significant improvements in overhead cost, quality, and lead times while inculcating continuous improvement thinking in the employees.


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